Thursday, April 12, 2007

No pics

So I got this new camera and a new computer but I don't know how they all work together and therefore all recent pics continue to be stored on the camera.

All is well with the Mitchells. Mike has been away at a conference for 3 days but has finally arrived back in the state, I think. Of course at 8:30pm he is still at work so as far as I know, he could still be at the conference.

The kids are good. Janie is on spring break and fortunately has done a few fun things with friends. Last night I took the kids to Castaway Cafe in Howell and we had an absolute blast! It was so perfect for all the kids and something to do outside of the house.

The good news is that we have reach, actually exceeded our goal for the March of Dimes walk. Thanks to many generous friends and family, we have raised almost $1300. If you still want do donate look at the last post for the link (since I don't remember it now)

One final thing - I have a friend that I have gotten to know through the NICU at St. Joe. She has amazing twin girls (born at 24 weeks)who have overcome the impossible time and time again. Holland is back in the hospital for the second time in a week with pneumonia. They are great people but have definitely had their share of life obstacles. They need all of our prayers to once again find the strength to get through this one too! Holland Edens blog is linked to mine if you want to read.

1 comment:

Billie said...

Thanks for the link Allison. I'm so glad we have had a chance to become friends.

And congratulations on exceeding your WalkAmerica goal!!!