Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I am not sure if I am not making time or if I have surrendered to my life of work, kids, running kids, maintaining a house and blah, blah, blah but what I do know that I never blog anymore. I think part of it is that I used to have some time in the evenings after the kiddies went to bed. Now, my hubby is just getting home then so I spend time with him.

There are not really any big updates in our lives. Mike has been at his new job a month now. It is challenging and very time consuming. He gets home from a 12-14 hour day at about 8-9p most nights. He follows this up with more paper work. Not to complain but it is sometimes hard working full time and doing everything at home. It is not that he isn't helpful, he just is never and I mean never available!
I am finding myself getting very busy at work, needing to make a lot of upcoming Dr. apts, keeping up with my NICU gig (which is highly neglected), running Janie to gymnastics, going to gymnastics meets, needing to plan an upcoming b-day party, and #1 on my list right now is preparing for our trip to Cancun at the end of this month. Can't wait! I do love my life and don't mean to complain but I wonder how I keep it straight some days.

I am in amazement of how our lives fly by us. The boys will be 2 in one month and Janie will be 7 the following month. Crazy, just crazy...

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