I think I have been pretty consistent with all of my children when it comes to scheduling, sleeping, eating, bottles, etc...They were always on a fairly strict feeding schedule (it worked wonders!), they have always gone to bed on their own (my sanity) and I followed other orders pretty much by the book. Janie stopped the bottle right at a year and Owen and Kyle stopped as soon as they could drink out of a sippy (14 months). I do however certainly have my downfalls and the main one is the binky. Janie did not give hers up at night until 4yrs old.
My goals for the summer are #1 getting rid of binkis (the boys are now 3yrs and two months old) and #2 potty training. I am proud to say each has accomplished one. Owen has been about three weeks without the binky after losing his last and final one at Janie's softball game. Kyle is officially 7 days into potty training and has had 3 accidents, none of which have been in the last 3 days. So, so far so good. Owen continues to show no interest in the potty and Kyle will be dependent on the binky until I take it away or he loses it(we are down to 2).
Now let's see how the other half goes...
This is Kyle showing me tricks on hes skateboard, aka - xylophone