Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It's still summer

I feel like I am grasping for every last breath of summer as mid-August is approaching. I am booking every free minute, trying to get a lot of family activities in and appreciate it while work is still slow and the weather is fabulous! We seem to stay busy all of the time. Janie has continued gymnastics all summer and also added in Camp Wolverine, which turned out to be fantastic. Keeping her busy has been a good thing!

The boys just continue to 2 years old. They have started to understand discipline (well, maybe), talk in short sentences and continue to beat each other up. They are such boys. I am definetly in a stage where I don't know if things are getting easier or harder. Kyle continues to go number 1 on the potty but I have not overpersued it, probably because I am lazy and Owen is so far from potty training.

All else is well! Owen had Fifths disease last week but is over it now. I just returned from a conference at Boyne and am looking forward to two festival this weeks, one the following along with our annual NICU reunion.


Billie said...

What cute kids you have my dear! I think Kyle looks a lot like Janie, and they both favor your hubby. Who does Owen look like???

Allison said...

Billie - Thanks, I think they are cute also. I just tell people two different fathers.