The boys just continue to 2 years old. They have started to understand discipline (well, maybe), talk in short sentences and continue to beat each other up. They are such boys. I am definetly in a stage where I don't know if things are getting easier or harder. Kyle continues to go number 1 on the potty but I have not overpersued it, probably because I am lazy and Owen is so far from potty training.
All else is well! Owen had Fifths disease last week but is over it now. I just returned from a conference at Boyne and am looking forward to two festival this weeks, one the following along with our annual NICU reunion.
What cute kids you have my dear! I think Kyle looks a lot like Janie, and they both favor your hubby. Who does Owen look like???
Billie - Thanks, I think they are cute also. I just tell people two different fathers.
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