Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Christmas 2007

I am not sure that I have done a really good job of making my 2 year olds understand the real meaning of Christmas. They are still asking every day "more presents?". I even tried to take them to Christmas Eve service at the church where I grew up. It was a complete disaster as they talk throughout the fairly quiet service. Before we decided to depart early, they enjoyed signing "happy birthday" during "The First Noel" Oh well, I just laughed as there was not much I could do.

The rest of our holiday was a great time filled with family, tons of food and quality time. We did pass some sickness between the extended family but everyone seems to be over it now. We had added fun this year with my siblings' children. More children just adds to the spirit of things. We also had the bonus of seeing some of my best girlfriends and their children for a brief and rare visit.

We went up to my mom's on Christmas eve and stayed a few days. This was our first Christmas there in 5 years. Still, there is nothing like going home to where all the memories still remain.

New year post to come...

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