I am happy to report that life is good at the Mitchell household. I won't say outloud that everyone has been pretty healthy! We have not had any of the seaonal shots yet but at least the boys are on the waiting list because they are high risk with asthma and prematurity. Hopefully soon!
Two weeks ago we participated in the annual NICU Fashion Show. It was a success as always and the kids made me very proud. The money we raise helps support programs for current families in the NICU. Although I feel my journey as a volunteer in the NICU is near its end, I have made incredible friendships and the rewards have been priceless.
I'm proud to say that the kids all had inredible parent teacher conferences. Janie continues to be an excellent student with things coming very easy to her. The boys love school and are doing well. Kyle is the social butterfly and Owen a bit concerned with what others are doing instead of his school work, but overall great! Sorry, had to brag a minute.
We are looking forward to Thanksgiving with my mom's side of the family in Saline. We will eat and play a lot and of course shop on Friday!
More soon, I hope!